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Bailee is a Good Dog (贝利是一只好狗🐶)By Nan Qu




I adopted (领养lǐng yǎng) Bailee in September 2021 when she was two years old. I was contemplating buying (购买gòu mǎi) a puppy (幼犬yòu quǎn) but I couldn’t decided on the breed (品种pǐn zhǒng). And the process of picking a “best” dog solely based on personal preferences (偏好piān hào) seems borderline cruel to me. 

Bailee was popular at the adoption (领养lǐng yǎng) agency (机构jī gòu) and many applied to adopt her. Yet they all passed on the opportunity after meeating her. I couldn’t blame them. First time I met Bailee, she had dander (皮屑pí xìe) and eye boogers (眼屎yǎn shǐ). She was hyperactive (过度活跃, guò dù huó yuè) and barely gave me any eye contact (眼神接触yǎn shén jīe chù). It almost felt like she wanted to escape (逃跑táo pǎo). But my mind was set to take her home. It turned out to be one of the best decisions (决定jué dìng) I ever made.

Surprisingly Bailee was very docile (温顺wēn shùn) indoors (室内shì nèi). Due to the pandemic all meetings before adoption were arranged outdoors (室外shì wài), where Bailee struggled to contain her energy. But once she was in my apartment, she sniffed (闻wén) around and familiarized (熟悉shú xī) herself with the surroundings (环境huán jìng), then went straight onto my bed and took a big nap. It was like she had been living here for years. 

The good life started. We found out from the DNA test that Bailee was a mix (混合hùn hé) of 17 breeds. It explained a lot of her traits (特征tè zhēng): sleek fur (皮毛pí máo) from a chocolate Labrador, white marks (标记biāo jì) from a bulldog, and hunting (捕猎bǔ liè) drives from a shepherd. Her outdoor manners improved a lot with the help of dog trainers (训狗师xùn gǒu shī), barring the occasional chase (追逐zhuī zhú) of squirrels and jumping (跳跃tiào yuè) on rowdy teenagers. Through it all what never changed is her sweet (甜美的tián měi de) and friendly (友好的yǒu hǎo de) personality. She says “Hi” to anyone who gives her eye contact. She sits (坐zuò) for them, and leans (靠kào) on them for scratches (抓痒zhuā yǎng). She also enjoys wrestling (摔跤shuaī jiāo) with her dog friends in dog parks (狗公园 gǒu gōng yúan). But humans are her favorite and so is she to her many human friends. 

For the past year and half, Bailee has been a passionate companion (伴侣bàn lǚ) on numerous hikes and road trips, a well behaved guest in many Manhattan apartments, a patient waiter when left alone anywhere, and a brave guardian (守护者shǒu hù zhě) to mommy whenever she senses threat. Bailee is more than a good dog. She makes my heart full and my days brighter. 

Even when she chewed (嚼jiáo) up a mouse that racked up a $700 bill at the vet (兽医shòu yī) and ruined a nice doggy jacket by rolling (滚gǔn) in the poop. 

She deserves the best.