Progressive Chinese School in NYC
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Chinese Tongue Twisters : 4 is 4?

4 is 4 tongue twister audio HERE; grapes tongue twister audio HERE

Challenge 1:      

Characters: 四 是 四 , 十 是 十 , 十 四 是 十 四 , 四 十 是 四 十

PinYin:         sì shì sì, shí shì shí, shí sì shì shí sì, sì shí shì sì shí

English:        Four is four, ten is ten, fourteen is fourteen, forty is forty. 

Challenge 2: 

Characters: 吃 葡 萄 不 吐 葡 萄 皮儿 ,不 吃 葡 萄 倒 吐 葡 萄 皮儿 。

PinYin:        Chī pútáo bù tǔ pútáo pí’r, bù chī pútáo dào tǔ pútáo pí’r.

English:       Eat grapes🍇 but not spit out the grape skin, not eat grapes🍇 but spit out grape skin.

yutong chen